Archive for September, 2010

Healing With The Masters – This Program Blew Me Away…You Too?

A message and cordial invite from my friend Jennifer McLean for you to attend a teleseminar series that I’ve personally been attending for the past 2 years now and have learnt so much about health and healing from the numerous top experts who get gathered for each series season…

We are in changing times, can you feel it? Within these changing times are new opportunities to re-discover who you are and what you came here to do. I want to introduce you to a powerful FREE program that is guiding hundreds of thousands to do just that. Healing With The Masters Volume 6 is starting on September 7th, 2010 and it’s hosted by the remarkable healer and speaker in her own right, Jennifer McLean.


One important theme in the new energy paradigm we are all playing in is community. According to renowned cell biologist, Brice Lipton (The Biology of Belief), community is a natural and important step for our human evolution.

“When you break up the individuals from a community into individual units, they become disempowered because it’s the collective consciousness and the collective energy of the group from which power comes. The principal driving force that lies before us, is that we have to recognize the nature of community as the evolutionary step that we just took a step backwards from in the last century” ~ Bruce Lipton quoted from his recent appearance on Healing With The Masters

I would like to invite you to join Healing With The Masters, a life-empowering teleseminar that has also turned into a unique community of like-minded individuals. This group is fully committed to their own growth and the growth and evolution of the planet and her inhabitants.

In fact, Healing With The Masters has become the “go to” place to join with other participants and experience the leading speakers and authors guiding each of us to find the life, flow, peace, and joy that were meant for us. 24 committed speakers are lined up just for you… to guide you, love you, and help you to re-align with your dreams.

And Jennifer brings a sense of fun and lightness to many of the big life issues covered in the series, that allows all of us to find the “light” in “enlightenment. So if you want to have fun AND shift into a new you then register at no cost at all here:


Speakers include the best known and well regarded names in the human potential movement (many have even been regulars on Oprah) including:

· Gary Zukav – New York Times bestselling author of Seat of The Soul, Dancing Wu Li Masters and his powerful newest book Spiritual Partnership: The Journey to Authentic Power (amazing life changing info)

· Dan Millman – Pioneer in the spiritual movement with his popular bestselling book The Way of the Peaceful Warrior that lead to 13 books translated into 29 languages

· Reverend Michael Beckwith – founder of Agape Spiritual Community (one of the largest new thought communities), featured teacher in The Secret, author and minister.

· Caroline Myss – five-time New York Times bestselling author and internationally renowned speaker in the fields of human consciousness, spirituality and mysticism, health, energy medicine, and the science of medical intuition.

· Neale Donald Walsch – author of the Conversations With God series. Neale, a regular on Healing with the Masters, always offers remarkable insights to applying these principles to everyday things.

· Chunyi Lin – an international qigong master (pronounced “chee gong”) and the founder and creator of Spring Forest Qigong. This popular teacher is feature in a groundbreaking medical study on the effects of qigong on pain relief. This call alone could change your life.

· Carol Look – EFT master and specialist in pain relief and abundance, bestselling author and speaker you can also see Carol in the popular The Tapping Solution movie.

· Dee Wallace – Renowned actress best known for her role as the mother in the Spielberg movie ET, Dee is a profound healer and creator of the I~M System of Healing.

· Jo Dunning – You feel her before you hear her, called the “miracle worker” Jo brings healing energies that shift you in the moment just by listening.

This is just a sampling of the 24 speakers showing up just for you.

The series starts on September 7, 2010, so get ready for 24 evenings of insight and transformation. (But be sure to join now, so you can experience all the speakers.)

To take advantage of this invitation, to tap into the mentoring-in-the-moment of these healing masters, simply:

Step #1) Register for your NO COST life changing teleseminar seat here:


Step #2) Keep an eye out for Jennifer’s email with the details for listening in on the calls (dial in and webcasting to your computer is available. If you can’t make a date, there is a 48-hour replay available for each show!).

Step #3) Make sure you go to the download site mentioned in your confirmation email after you register. Jennifer has a couple of amazing healing-focused bonus gifts for you (meditations and sound healing audios) that you can use immediately just for enrolling in this completely free series.

So, take action right now and join this amazing wave of change, okay? Oh, and you are welcome to send this email to your friends and share the fun. There are many Healing With The Master Study Groups that have formed around this series… something you could do too.

I’m sure you’re going to enjoy this unique, consciousness-expanding opportunity.

Henry Tang.

P.S. ~ Remember, there are a limited number of virtual seats available for this absolutely free series, and they’re likely to fill up fast. Take action right now and join us while the opportunity is in front of you now.

P.S.S. ~ As a group we can all move together much faster with these 24 Healing Masters than each of us finding the way on our own. So, click the link, register, and get ready to shift.


1 September, 2010 at 22:41 Leave a comment

Henry Tang – Therapeutic & Advanced Clinical Massage Practitioner (Crows Nest, Sydney, Australia)

Click image above to visit Spaces of Possibilities Wellness Centre, Crows Nest, Sydney, Australia.

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